Acer Iconia A1 810 本身有提供截取螢幕(Screen capture)的功能,
Press power button and volumn(-) in the same time
即可完成screen capture的功能。
PS: Acer Iconia A1-811適用
ExtendedStatus On
LoadModule limitipconn_module modules\mod_limitipconn.dll
<IfModule mod_limitipconn.c>
<Location /> =>裡面/是制定限定IP的目錄,亦可針對某個資料夾如 /wordpress
MaxConnPerIP 6 =>限定每個IP的並發連接數
知識 | MSN錯誤代碼:80048820
請先確定已安裝了Adobe Flash Player最新版本 (能看到該頁面的Flash動畫表示成功)
到硬碟中 C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash 的資料夾裡
找兩個檔案 flashplayer.xpt 和 NPSWF32.dll
將上述檔案複製到FireFox plugin資料夾 應該在 C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins
Navigate to the location where you installed SopCast.
Open the folder named 『adv』
Delete the SopAdver.exe
Create a new blank text file, save it as SopAdver.exe and make sure the .txt extension isnt hidden, you want it to be an exe not a exe.txt
Right click on the new empty exe, and set the file permissions to Read Only. Apply and exit.
While Sopcast will still try to launch, the execution will fail. Attempts to redownload will succeed but the blank file will not be overwritten due to read only permissions.